Black Student Achievement Plan / BSAP
The Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) was approved by the LAUSD Board of Education during the 2020-21 school year to address the persistent underperformance of Black students and promote racial equity. The plan focuses on implementing culturally responsive curriculum and instruction, fostering partnerships with community organizations, and increasing staffing to support the academic and social-emotional needs of Black students.
The BSAP is a collaborative effort between LAUSD and community partners, with a commitment to accountability and sustained support until equity is achieved. At Lawrence Middle School, the BSAP team — our BSAP Coordinator Ms. Ernestine Potts, our Administration, our academic guidance counselors, our School Climate Advocate, and our Magnet Coordinator — works closely to bridge gaps, build relationships, and support Black students' personal and academic goals for overall success.
Program Goals
- Increase levels of parent and family engagement
- Increase participation in extracurricular activities at school
- Increase the presence of community organizations on campus
Academic Achievement
- Graduation rate increase
- Attendance and chronic absenteeism rates decrease
- Increase enrollment in Advanced Placement and honors courses
- Increase proficiency in Math and ELA/English
- Increase the number of students on track in A-G requirements
- Increase the number of students at or above the benchmark in literacy skills
- Decrease 1st time referrals for special education services
School Experience and Support
- Every student has an advocate
- Increase access to mental and social-emotional health resources
- Increase favorable school experience survey responses
- Access to culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy
- Decrease discipline rates (arrests, suspensions, referrals)
- Elimination of policies and practices that contribute to school to prison pipeline