Household Income Form Completing the Household Income Form (HIF) for every child enrolled at LAUSD entitles our schools to receive additional Federal and State monies.Please be assured that the information you provide on the HIF will be kept completely confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
After-school & Saturday Intervention Application Form After-school and Saturday intervention will provide academic support in both English and Math.After-school intervention - 3:20pm-4:20pmSaturday intervention - 8:30am-11:45am
PTO Membership (Parent Teacher Organization) $10 per family. PTO supports awards and events, 8th Grade Grad Nite, Open House, Back-to-School Night, help for needy families and more. Join now and thank you in advance!
School Site Council (SSC) meeting SSC meets once a month during the school year.Open to all Parents/Guardians of Lawrence Middle School students.
ELAC & SSC Orientation Agenda English Learner Advisory Committee& School Site Council SEPTEMBER 15, 20138:30AM - 10:00AMParent Center
ELAC & SSC Orientation Announcement English Learner Advisory Committee& School Site CouncilMembership / Officer ElectionsSEPTEMBER 15, 20239:30AM - 10:00AMParent Center
Orientation for Parents & Guardians Learn about ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) and SSC (School Site Council) committees!