8th Grade Class
It is the hope of the staff at Lawrence Middle School that all current eighth graders will be eligible for a culmination certificate and participate in the culmination ceremony. Culmination requirements for Lawrence Middle School are as follows:
The Los Angeles Unified School District requires a student to earn a minimum of 50 credits in the eighth grade in order to receive a culmination certificate in June, 2024. A student must also have completed at least four semesters of attendance in a middle school or its equivalent.
Eligibility to participate in the culmination ceremony will be determined by the 18 Week Report in May, 2024. Any changes made after that date to improve a grade will show on the final report card, but may not affect participation in the ceremony.
In order to participate in the culmination ceremony, a student must:
- be eligible to receive a culmination certificate.
- not Fail more than two classes in 8th grade.
- not have a Fail on the 2nd Semester 18 week progress report
- not have received a U from more than one teacher on the 2nd semester 18 week progress report
- have not have two or more suspensions during their 8th grade school year.
- not have a suspension or major disciplinary incident during the final grading period.
Any major disciplinary incident during the school year or during culmination rehearsals/activities, or a pattern of poor behavior, unexcused absences or tardies, may disqualify a student from participation in culmination activities.
Any 8th grade student who wishes to participate in the 8th grade activities, including the Culmination Ceremony, must meet minimum eligibility requirements. In an attempt to encourage students to strive for excellence, requirements for staying On-Par were revised in 2006, by the School Based Management Council.
Students are placed on the Non-PAR list, and thereby deemed ineligible for 8th Grade Activities:
- If they receive a U from more than one teacher
- May not fail any classes.
Students stay on the Non-Par list until the next progress report or report card is issued. When the student meets the minimum requirements, he or she is removed from the list. Students on the participation list may be reclassified “Non-Par” if their grades go down to Non-Par status for any marking period.
Students on the Non-Par list do not participate or attend any 8th grade PAR activities, including Culmination Ceremony. However, they may participate in Spirit Activities, Class Meetings and the Panorama Picture.