Beyond the Bell

Beyond the Bell Branch (BTB) Youth Services Plus (YS Plus) Program is a provider of comprehensive after school program services, comprised of three major components (Academic Assistance, Recreation and Enrichment). Each YS Plus Program provides a unique, wholesome experience for students at participating middle school sites. It provides an exciting after school enrichment program in a safe, well-supervised environment that engages and encourages students to achieve their greatest potential.
The YS Plus Program features the following three major components on a daily basis: Learning Zone (Academic Assistance, Spelling Bee, Battle of the Books, STEMY's, M-TAC (Middle School Take Action Campaign), Dance Academy (Choreography, District -Wide Dance Competitions, School Based Performances, Fitness, and Dance History), YS PLUS Health & Fitness Program, LA84 / BTB Middle School Sports Program (School Based Team Sports, Skill Development, Health & Fitness, Intramural League & Interscholastic Leagues).