The Safe School Plan was developed and approved using a collaborative process respectful of representation/input from all stakeholders groups.
Overview (1.3): The Plan defines preparedness around five mission areas:
- Prevention
- Protection
- Mitigation
- Response
- Recovery
- Things belonging to another person must not be kept in the locker. Locker combinations are not to be shared.
- Problems related to lockers are not always accepted as tardy excuses.
- Articles must not be kept in the locker if it is against the law or school board policy. A school administrator/designee may inspect the contacts of the locker at any time. Of things are found in lockers that are prohibited by the law or school board policy, the administrator may remove them for safe keeping or investigation.
- Kicking, hitting, slamming, defacing, using graffiti, bending, prying, jamming of lock and other such abuse is not allowed. No items may be glued taped, or otherwise affixed to the locker.
- Materials or liquids that might cause a fire must not be placed in the locker.
- All food and drink must be entirely removed by the end of each school day. Food attracts ants and other pests.
- The things stored in the locker must be kept clean and in an orderly condition.
- All students will be issued a new lock from the P.E. Department or the Student Store. Students must use a school issued lock.
Failure to follow all of the above rules may result in penalties with may include loss of locker privileges.